As a designer, I find myself being the interviewer more frequently than the interviewee. Today, I have the chance to be one, so I document my experience to better understand the journey of a remote user interview session from a participant's perspective.
I completed a survey and agreed to participate in an 30 mins interview in the survey. Not sure if it was part of screening.
A day after completing the survey, I was emailed an invited to schedule a Calendly session.
I accepted the invitation, chose a time that works without any problem. A lot of time slots available so that was helpful.
In the session confirmation email, I was provided instructions & preparations for the session.
Pretty simple, no hassle, just had to remember the when, which was I reminded by my google calendar event.
Video turned on both my interviewer and myself, built rapport, asked how I was doing! Felt like the interviewer were interested in my day and therefore myself. Easier to open up and helped answer following questions.
Asked for permission to be recorded for note taking purposes and will only be viewed by the interviewer. I agreed and moved on.
Began with a quick introduction of my occupation and career stage. Started with an easy question that anyone can answer. Helped with the internal anxiety, what if I give bad answers. Thinking back, possibly mentioning that “there are no wrong answers” would be helpful.
Were prompted to reiterate my answers to the survey which I had dig up in my memory as it has been quite some time. Were in a rush of anxiety to recall what I had answered in the survey but luckily it came back pretty quickly. I believe the interviewer were prepared to reminded of my answers as well.
Could have possibly been better to start this question with “to remind ourselves of your answers in the survey, you mentioned [xyz]. Would you still agree with this answer or are there any amends or caveats you would like to add?” I believe this would reduce my anxiety.
Interviewer frequently clarified my answers, and probed deeper whenever necessary. The flow of each questions were natural, which helped it sound more like a enjoyable conversation rather than an interrogation.
Whenever I had a hard time understanding the question, the interviewer happily restated the question. Made me felt that the interviewer understands that is in our best interest to give a thoughtful answer.
Post session
During the session, I had referred to a Youtube video for one of my answers. I sent her the link right after the call to the email address of the calendly invite. Easy peasy no problemo. Thanked her, and moved on to my day.
Overall, this was a pleasurable experience. I was able to sit on the other side of the table and experience the journey of what it feels likes to be a participant in a user research. This will certainly be helpful to refer to the whenever I conduct my own interviews 🧙