Tokyo 2024 is underway with few achieving their goals, and many defeated but already switched their gears towards the next opportunity. They reverse engineer their workout plan towards their goal with a list of things to work on, understanding where they are and where they need to be. Here is my reflection of my current self and who I need to be by the next summer Olympics, the Paris 2024.
Where I am
- I do things that I regret but don't make plan to fix them.
- I hardly follow through with my plans, possibly due to: lack of purpose, distractions, lack of milestones and gratifications along the way.
- My information diet is passive consumption
- My routines are lenient
- Generally lack a sense of direction, no clear milestone/goals to work towards
- Lack social intelligence
Who I need to be
- Experienced presenter and pitcher
- Can run a marathon
- Digest information quickly to be decisive
- Managed channels of disruption (Fred Lee's teaching)
- A meaningful side project
- A stable deliberate winning routine
- A competent designer
My detailed workout plan is to be documented on my personal/professional journal.